
Thursday, July 7, 2011

PB&J, Cake and The BIG O_N_E!!!

One year ago today I became a mommy and brought sweet Orlando Gabriel into the world! today i am sitting here watching my son eat peanut butter and jelly, drinking cows milk, and watching sprout. I am proud to say that I held in my tears until this moment. and my baby is the most compassionate and loving baby ever! he sees me tearing up and puts his hand, palm up, in the air and pulls in his fingers say"come here mommy" as i get off the sofa and walk to his highchair he grabs my arm and looks up at me with his brown eyes wide and has this look on his face of "mom i love you and i always will no matter how big I am." he smiles and excitedly screams "MAMA!!!" and we both laugh for a minute. I am so in awe of how amazing my little man is and while its very bittersweet seeing him growing older I am so excited for the man he is becoming.

I know i havent written in a long time! so for an update on the little man he has taken 5 steps on his own, his favorite word is mama :D and he loves loves loves to swim! He even blew bubbles in the pool yesterday! this stage is so much fun and seems like he is doing something knew every day!! Oh yeah and his just cut his third tooth today!! yey! he is so much happier now that that one is through even just that tiny little bit! it was the top right front tooth and it was rough getting that one out!!!

Im sure i will post again really soon with pictures of cake and everything!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a bitter-sweet day. As much as we want them to grow up and become the men God wants them to be, its hard to let go of that sweet little baby. Life will definitely change drastically once he's walking all the time and exploring EVERYTHING! But the new experiences will be fun for you too! Love you sis!
