
Friday, March 18, 2011

Rainy days and growing babes!

so for the first time in months Orlando would not take his second nap! i was babysitting jax and i think that he knew he was here and would NOT sleep! it was so weird for me because he is such a good napper i felt lost with what to do! i tried for a while to let him put himself back to sleep and after a while i caved... i brought him out to play with jax and he was in such a good mood! so strange that he skipped his nap and was being an angel! he totally just wanted to play with his friend.

they played so cute together too! they haven't just played together in probably over a month because of flu season. katie was sick, then jax was sick, then i was sick! and now at 7 and 8 1/2 months the sit up on their own and actually are interacting with each other and their toys! so cute! they are both such good babies!

orlando has practically perfected his crawling. it has been exactly one week since his first few moves forward and im so impressed with how quick he picked it up! he was like that with rolling over too! i think he is one of those babies that waits to do something until he is confident he knows exactly what to do! he is growing so big and his face is looking so grown up lately! he is looking just like his daddy! so handsome!

i am so ready for spring and sunshine! not a huge fan of the heat but i was taking orlando to the park for several days in a row last week and could only go on thursday this week because of so much rain! its really nice for o and i to get out and get some air and exercise together! so please rain rain go away! :D



  1. Our boys are so cute! Thanks again for watching him!

  2. Orlando is getting so big! I can't believe how fast he's growing up! Crawling is trouble... now you've really got to keep an eye on him!
